poik007's piece of junk he calls a "premium mother 3 website" when he's drunk
Mole Cricket - Mr Bat -
Sweet Potato Monster - Incendiary Insect -
Flying Mouse - Sweet Baked Potato Monster -
Bite Bite Snake - Naughty Mole -
Reconstructed Caribou - Praying Mantis -
Greedy Mouse - Walking Bush
Mole Cricket
HP: 45 Off: 10 Def: 2
Attacks: Biting attack
Exp: 2
Strategy: This is the first enemy you encounter in the game, his biting attack deals around 3
damage because of your awesome defense and you should land 9-10 damage without using combos. Just bash away.
Mr Bat
HP: 56 Off: 30 Def: 10
Attacks: Attack
Complaining about something
Stays there to think
Exp: 20
Strategy: Huh-oh! This thing hits for 9-11 damage! Be careful to not die, haha. Anyway you shouldn't
worry too much, since two of this guy's attacks are "Nothing", to say so. Just bash away and use some food
items if you need to heal that bad.
Sweet Potato Monster
HP: 33 Off: 35 Def: 20
Attacks: Attack
Exp: 26
Item: Nut Bread
Strategy: These guys are a joke. Super easy to fight, give more exp than bats, deal less damage,
respawn and drop nut breads fairly often. Just bash away. You can also try to surprise attack them for another
extra hit :)
Incendiary Insect
HP: 53 Off: 35 Def: 10
Attacks: Fly around you
Burst attack
Spit fire
Exp: 17
Item: Nut Bread
Strategy: You might have a bit of difficulty against the Incendiary Insects you encounter in Chapter 1.
If they spend all their turns to throw fire animations at you, you'll be fine since it's very weak. However
their "normal" attack packs quite a punch. Just have high hp and try to do combo, their own HPs aren't too
high anyway. You can also use Flint's Brandish, but that's up to you
Flying Mouse
HP: 110 Off: 45 Def: 20
Attacks: Consecutive Attack
Tries to intimidate you
Biting Attack
Exp: 45
Strategy: This guy doesn't really need strategies, your HP might get low if you get smashed in the
consecutive attack, but bash and heal, just bash and heal. Combos would help too. The only thing this guy
has high are his HP.
Sweet Baked Potato Monster
HP: 154 Off: 45 Def: 5
Attacks: Attacks
Releases steam
Charges at you
Dreadful odor (Lowers Offense)
Exp: 42
Item: Sweet Potato
Strategy: You have boney with you. Use combos! They work really well, you can down this potato
monster in maybe two rounds if your level is high enough. Anyway, you'll only have to worry about one
of his attacks. Getting your offense lowered can be sad too.
Bite Bite Snake
HP: 78 Off: 45 Def: 10
Attacks: Bites you with poison fangs (Poison)
Biting attack
Coils around you (Paralysis)
Exp: 28
Item: Antidote
Strategy: These guys can be a pain. Since they poison and poison makes you lose HP. You should
have tons of antidotes anyway and be able to defeat them in like a turn or so. If you fight against one of
these, the paralysis attack is nothing, but against two it could get annoying.
Naughty Mole
HP: 103 Off: 50 Def: 15
Attacks: Scratch with his claws
Throws a stone
Tickles you (Lowers Defense)
Exp: 31
Item: Nut Bread
Strategy: Well, these are normal enemies, no need for great strategy, a team of three can handle them,
they deal pretty low damage anyway
Reconstructed Caribou - BOSS!
HP: 550 Off: 55 Def: 20
Attacks: Horn Attack
Releases steam
Goes on a rampage (Attacks your whole party)
Exp: 112
Strategy: Yikes! Your first boss! First, his attacks. The Horn Attack isn't bad, it deals pretty low damage,
except if, of course, it SMAAAAASHes. That mean machine can also waste a turn to release steam. That's a nice "time-out"!
The rampage thing is bad. It'll hit your whole party for ~30 damage? Be careful, use food items and you'll be fine. Of
course, the Reconstructed Caribou is a boss akin to Mondo Mole in the original Earthbound. Why, you ask? Because he's
weak to paralysis. But poik, you'll say, I don't have Pk Paralysis at all! Why, you have something better! WALL LADDERS!
Just use Duster's カベホヂ item! It'll paralyse the Reconstructed Caribou for a few turns, when it goes off, just rinse and repeat!
Praying Mantis
HP: 34 Off: 30 Def: 1
Attacks: Swings its sickles
Raises its sickles threatingly
Exp: 2
Item: Nut
Strategy: Buh? No my good friend, you don't need strategy. What you need is to attack once. Or receive 1
hp worth of damage. I don't know.
Greedy Mouse
HP: 86 Off: 45 Def: 15
Attacks: Biting attack
Eats its food behind your back
Eats a bit of its food
Exp: 35
Item: Peculiar Cheese
Strategy: It's a flying mouse without wings, a mouse with a healing move, a mouse that deals very very
low damage nonetheless, when you're greedy that's what you get, just bash away and you'll be fine, you should
deal more damage than it could heal anyway.
Walking Bush
HP: 108 Off: 45 Def: 20
Attacks: Lifeup Alpha
Fresh vegetable scent
Sends a greeting
Exp: 8
Strategy: Holy snap, one enemy that can heal itself! Wait, no? He doesn't cast Lifeup Alpha on himself, but YOU?
That's interesting! The fresh vegetable scent (oh dear god my japanese... WHAT DOES IT MEANS!) thing does nothing of importance
and sending a greeting is plant talk for running away. Yeah, he's a free heal bot :)
Hey what, I'm not drunk - Poik007, drunk.